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Thursday, August 19, 2010

A pleasant cold morning

I spent more than 20 min on the road from home to uni this morning. Arriving at 8:23,there were less than half parking slots left. When on earth the university is going to do sth about carparks?

A guy cut the line and park towards the direction I was going in while I cut the line to park towards the direction he was going in.Both of the heads at an "EXIT" direction. We smiled at each other. I always do this when possible just to save some trouble reversing when I leave.

I realized it is a cold morning once I stepped out of the car, however, the air is clean and fresh. The coldness actually makes me fresh and awake. And I like it. And I need it. School got extremely busy, almost instantly, after yesterday's meeting with my supervisors.

My road to the study of creativity officially begins.I'm stressed but excited.There are a few personal adjustments I have to make.

One being that I should be more initiative, my supervisors are there to help me instead of marking me for assignments.I need to think for my own and not to expect to wait for their instructions.

Second, to accept what I am. Coming from a culture that values non-questionable respect to teachers, being passive and quiet in front of teachers has been carved to my bones. Although I have spent years studying in NZ where values independent and critical thinking, I am not able to get rid of my old habbits. I have tried very very hard to be like my local peers so that conversations with my supervisors seem more valuable because it shows I'm thinking and wanting to contribute. But this is really hard. Now I think I need to accept that I'm different and I'll learn to do it better, but slowly, without contradicting who I already am. I want a better me which is built upon what I am. I don't want a better me that is completely different.


  1. :) It's not easy adapting to anew culture. I applaud that you are seeking to do so with out compromising your own sense of self. ps For cold mornings I recommend coffee. I know a pretty good barista ;)

  2. thanks and applauds accepted :D

    i have coffee everyone morning at uni, they don't have as good but i can't multi-task and i don't want to drink cold coffee.. hehe..

    I did something really silly the other day after I got the two coffee...
